Sunday, October 30, 2011

Don't touch my coffee! 15 caffeine stats you can use to start social media conversations

It seems to me that people used to "like" and comment on posts much more frequently than they do now. Why? Overload. We're all consuming so much on social media that it takes something truly - TRULY - evocative to motivate us to respond.

But there are still a few topics sure to garner social media interaction, including that beloved and sacred day-starter: coffee. However you spell it—coffee, Americana, latte, mocha or cappuccino—you're likely to get attention and (hopefully!) some interaction with your audience.

On that note, the infographic below from the good people at contains 15 stats about caffeine that you can use as social media conversation starters:

15 Things about Coffee
[Source: Homeowners Insurance]


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