Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday's 5 - Marketing Shorts and Sweets

I have a sneaking suspicion that I should make spending time in the sun tomorrow a priority; it just feels like the thing is coming to an end.

Just in case anyone else is stuck at the computer, here are some really great articles to help you pass the time until the weekend starts.

"Everything in life has a beautiful ending. And if it's not beautiful, then be sure it's not the ending."

[READ] Shut up and get a life: 17 pieces of kick-butt advice
If you prefer some cold, hard reality in your comfortable life, Larry Winget's self-help book Shut Up, Stop Whining & Get A Life might be exactly what you need to jump start your not-so-successful career. Here are 17 kick-butt approaches to a better life and why most people don't have one. And if you don't need this book, chances are, you know someone who does!

[READ] Why Mummy Bloggers rule the world
Annabel Candy writes: Being a blogger is looked on as sad and bloggers get a bad rap from all kinds of places. A case in point is the joke about bloggers with a picture of a monk and a caption that reads something like this: "Bloggers were invented in 300 AD and originally called "monks". Like bloggers, monks had shitty haircuts and never got laid."See what I mean?

Being a mummy often isn't looked on highly either. Mums are generally not perceived as a useful part of society. Some people tend to think of mothers as women who aren't making a useful or valuable contribution to society. Being called a 'mummy blogger' could be the kiss of death on my street cred, not to mention my personal branding, professional respectability and the reputation I'm building on my blog as a trusted source of information for empowering tips for life and work.

While the popular press remains skeptical about blogging big companies are taking mummy bloggers seriously. That's because women traditionally hold the purse strings and control substantial portions of the total household income. One influential mummy blogger has the power to sway female readers who respect and value her opinion. (There’s more, and it’s great stuff – click here to read it all).

[READ] How people use Smartphones
How are people using smartphones? That’s a question Google asked in their ThinkInsights study. Here are some of the answers.

[READ] 5 myths employees believe about Facebook
Business owners must assume that their employees are using Facebook while on the job. Social media is not the problem. Bad judgment might be, however. With that said, as a business owner or employee, you ought to address the following five myths that many employees believe.

[READ] 20 ways not to look like a social media fool

It seems that we fill every waking moment on one social-media site or another. Waiting for an elevator? Send a tweet. On the toilet? Check Facebook. Avoiding actual work? Get sucked into a YouTube vortex of "Macho Man" Randy Savage videos.You wouldn't choose to embarrass yourself by releasing your bowels in public, but things are a bit more complicated online. So by sharing my tips, I hope to help you avoid taking virtual dumps all over the social-media town square.

That's it, hope you had fun, and have a great weekend! Don't miss Monday's e-mail newsletter which will include original content and links to more articles that will motivate, inspire and challenge you. [Click here] to subscribe. It's free, you can opt out any time, and I probably won't bother you more than once each week!

Elizabeth Kraus –
365 Days of Marketing is available on in book and digital formats.


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