Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Painting Business Success: What Does It Take To Succeed LONG-TERM

Over the last three and a half years I have been privileged enough to have spoken to hundreds of painting contractors all over the world.

...and the one consistent thing I hear from the really successful (Financially) ones who have used the techniques and strategies laid out in our programs is this:

"If there is one new nugget of information... one new marketing idea that I haven't thought of... one simple spark of inspiration to keep me going (growing) then it is worth the investment."

I have come to realize that those who succeed long-term are those who continue to gain knowledge. They are always learning and more importantly they take consistent action and apply what they have learned.

We have been talking to a lot of painters lately who have said they are frustrated because they cant find a public forum where they can ask questions and get good feedback or suggestions...

...and if you have spent any time on the public painting forums, then you know exactly what they're talking about.

It's a shame that so many people on these public forums feel that it's OK to reticule, put down and more times then not be just plain mean to people that post thoughtful questions.

Personally I don't waste my time on public forums any more.

Right now we are in the process of putting together a privet, subscription membership web site where professional painting contractors and those who wish to become such can share thoughts, ideas and ask for feedback without fear.

A place where we can all learn from one another and encourage each other to better our best. We will keep it ultra affordable and jam packed with so much value that it will be worth 10 x the cost of admission.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in knowing more about please leave a comment and we will keep you in the loop.

I'll post more about what the content will cover in up-coming posts


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