Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Exercise Your Marketing Muscles

I can hardly type today because I'm SO sore... You see, for the last three years or so I have been running my painting business and consulting full time rather than swinging a brush.

...And I have put on A LOT of weight!

So last week I decided to hire a personal trainer to whip me back into shape and today was my fitness evaluation... OUCH!

In fact, worse than ouch... I puked! and as I type this blog post my arms are still trembling.

Over the years as I saw myself getting fatter, I would go on a diet and exercise for a week or two which always helped me lose a few pounds and make my clothes fit better but then I would stop.

back and forth - back and forth until here I sit 45 pounds heaver.

As I was sweating and swearing my ass off I said out loud... "How did I get here?"

...And Jason instantly replied, "laziness and lack of consistency."

Wow, that answer hit me like a ton of bricks!

Here I have been teaching painting business owners that the number one most important secret to growing a profitable business is marketing with consistency.

So many times business owners will market for a few days, drum up a little business and stop marketing until business slows down and then start up again.

This kind of IN-consistency creates the same kind of yo-yo effect with business and profits as it did with the fat on my a$$, except instead of your bank account growing it's your frustration and stress level... is impossible to create momentum being inconsistent!

It's not about how much you do it's about how often you do it. If you make a commitment to yourself, your family and your business that you will pass out 10 business cards per day, in 100 days you will have passed out 1000 cards.

If you get a 10% response you will have gained 100 new clients. Concentrate on doing the simple little things 'consistently' and they will pay big rewards.

Looking back over the last three years, I realize that it is my fault that I got so out of shape.

I guess the only thing I was consistent at was eating poorly and being inconsistent with my exercise program.

Take an honest look at your business right now... is it where you want it to be? If not, lack of consistency could be the reason.

Now get out there and start exercising your marketing muscle on a daily basis.


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