Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday's 5 - Short and Sweet Marketing Ideas

Good morning, all!

I haven't done a Friday's 5 in a while (bad on me!) but there is never any time like the present to make things right. That said, here are 5 short and sweet marketing tidbits to help you top off your week or get your weekend started:

[READ] 1. It's not just about getting customers, it's about keeping them, too. | Christina Pappas
If you ask a sales person if they would rather call upon a new lead that could potentially land them some commission in their pocket or spend their time checking in on customers they have already successfully converted, which do you think they would choose? It’s ultimately up to you and the organization as a whole to ensure a successful customer retention plan is in place and is properly being executed upon. Here are 6 things to consider when you start thinking about building yours.

[READ] 2. 7 Tips to creating content that will actually pull prospects in.
According to a recent Content Marketing Institute B2B study, marketers’ biggest content marketing challenge is creating a steady stream of must-read information at every step of the purchase process that stands out amidst the endless messages available on social media, tablets, smartphones, computers, and other devices. How do you consistently develop content that pulls prospects and customers in, meets their needs, and does so right when they’re ready to consume it? To help you in this mission, here are seven easy-to-follow tips:

[READ] 3. How to create a social media editorial (publishing) calendar. | Lisa Buyer
January is always a fresh time to fine tune online marketing habits. One good place to start is the social media editorial calendar.  Originally designed for books, magazines, and newspapers, editorial calendars have been around for centuries and are the lifeline to successful publishing. Today’s editorial calendar takes into account web content, company press releases, blogs, social media news network postings in the likes of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest and YouTube as well as email marketing plans and more; plus they should also wrap into traditional marketing campaigns.

[READ] 4. The Power of Praise in Business. | Ross McCammon

Excerpt -- there's a lot more in the article link: 
1. Praise should not begin with the phrase "You da …."
2. Ending an expression of praise with "… and stuff" nullifies the praise.
3. Ending an expression of praise with "… now get back to work" also nullifies the praise.
4. In ascending order of forcefulness: e-mail, face-to-face conversation, handwritten note, bear hug.
5. No bear hugs.
6. A handwritten note is worth more than a $100 gift card.
7. But probably not more than a $200 gift card.
8. Easy on the superlatives: "hardest-working," "most glorious," "awesomest," "best-smelling," etc.
9. Praise followed by criticism is not praise.
10. Praise followed by praise is probably a little too much praise.
11. Praise followed by criticism followed by praise is a sandwich.

[GO] The 1% Windfall:  How Successful Companies Use Price to Profit and Grow
by Rafi Mohammed
Review, 2010 Editors Choice, Best Business Books of 2010:

A study by McKinsey and Company of the Global 1200 found that if they increased their prices by just 1%, and demand remained constant, on average each company’s operating profits would increase by 11%.” If you’ve been avoiding pricing, this sentence alone should get you interested. Need to sell more product to existing customers – there’s a pricing strategy for that. Mohammed makes pricing easy and engaging by grouping pricing strategies by marketing challenges.

Want more?  Today's Marketing Savvy Newsletter [ CLICK HERE ] contains these goodies:
  • Characteristics of a Great Team (part 2 of 2)
  • Why Everything is Marketing in Your Small Business
  • 3 Reasons You're Not Playing to Win
  • How to Hire Positive Employees
  • 6 Steps to a Social Media Strategy
  • The Beginner's Guide to SEO

Let me know if you enjoyed any of these in particular in comments below --
Have a great weekend!


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