Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday's 5 - Marketing Shorts and Sweets

I don't know what happened, I just realized that I didn't put up a Friday's 5 last week -- and that's crazy because for whatever reason, there are a lot of good marketing tidbits to share right now!

This isn't really marketing but it made me laugh:

But these are marketing, enjoy!

[READ] Facebook inspired tip jar
Speak to today’s online generation in a language they understand with the wonderfully clever Like Tip Jar. Sure to inspire happy curiosity in social networking aficionados, the Like Tip Jar may be just the thing to encourage a sharp rise in the amount of tips.

[READ] your story, your way
Chris Brogan makes a great point: People can understand details, instructions, facts, and statistics. They remember stories.

[READ] relaxed shoppers will spend more
A new study finds “that relaxed shoppers were willing to pay 15 percent more for goods than less-relaxed ones,” reports Kelli B. Grant in the Wall Street Journal (11/3/11).

[READ] customer loyalty costs as little as 32 cents
One little email and 32 cents transformed a satisfied customer to a delighted one. A business philosophy that goes beyond satisfaction can do that. How much time does your business spend delighting your customers in unexpected ways?

[READ] mommies part of your target market? 10 ways to engage
Moms have always been the pot of gold at the end of the proverbial rainbow for marketers. But not until social media, have moms had so much power to determine the direction of brands and marketing campaigns from the ground up. If you want to sell to moms, you need to get it just right.

[BONUS!] dress your interior to impress your customers
For those inspired by inspiring design, a reminder that customers notice everything about your business, not just the products and services you provide. You have the opportunity to make every customer touch point special and outside of their expectations.


Elizabeth Kraus is the author of 365 Days of Marketing.

Dispel all the little white marketing lies that might be holding your business back - check out the 2012 Small Business Marketing Calendar: Little White Marketing Lies on

With hundreds of marketing ideas laid out for 2012, you'll get into a marketing groove and build a bigger role for your business in the lives of your clients.


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