Thursday, November 11, 2010

Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story

Durkin's the one on the left... physically, that is

Essential viewing at 9pm tonight on C4.

The latest film by Martin "Great Climate Warming Swindle" Durkin is on one of BOM's core subjects - our huge national debt.

It's called Britain's Trillion Pound Horror Story, and the blurb says:

"Film maker Martin Durkin explains the full extent of the financial mess we are in: an estimated £4.8 trillion of national debt and counting. It's so big that even if every home in the UK was sold it wouldn't raise enough cash to pay it off.

Durkin argues that to put Britain back on track we need to radically rethink the role of the state, stop politicians spending money in our name and introduce, among other measures, flat taxes to make Britain's economy boom again."
If it's anything like Durkin's climate film, it should be a rattling good view.

And yes, congratulations to C4 for giving us a rare prime time chance to hear just why we must stop politicians spending money in our name. Can't imagine the BBC ever doing that.

PS I presume we are going to have proper prosecutions and punishment for the screaming rabble who smashed up Millbank yesterday. We have stacks of video, and identification looks pretty straightforward. So no wimping - we need proper action against these people, including an end to any further taxpayer support for those convicted. We cannot have taxpayers robbed by violent mobs, and we need to make that clear right now.


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