Monday, September 14, 2009

Pricing Paint Jobs: A Proven System to Get Top Dollar in Slow Economy

It's important to keep in mind that not everyone feels the effects of a slow economy the same way.

In fact history shows us that during times when the national economy and housing market slumps, the home improvement industry tends to stay strong.

Ever wonder why that is?

It's because a person's home is most likely their largest investment, and when the housing prices drop, they have a tendency to want to improve and take care of what they already have.

Those who want to sell their homes know that during a buyers market they have to make their house look good in order to be considered.

Both of these reasons mean a ton of work is still available even during a recession... and you don't have to cut your prices to get it!

One BIG misconception is that homeowners shop price and price alone during tough times.

Although that is true for some it is NOT the rule. The truth is, more homeowners shop VALUE first and price second...

You can command top dollar by adding value to your painting services.

Once you nail down which added value features you will offer with your painting services, you have to effectively communicate the benefits of that added value to the homeowner.

The second you begin to cut your prices and discount your services you are moving in the wrong direction...

Think about it - the price of paint has gone up... the price of gas has gone up... so why should your labor costs go down? They shouldn't and they don't have to.

Pricing paint jobs accurately and profitably usually doesn't happen over night and it is not something that can be easily learned by chance... however it doesn't have to be difficult either.

By doing a little competition research (counter intelligence)... putting our simple bidding formulas and proven estimate writing process to work will help you sell more paint jobs at higher prices... especially right now in this recovering residential housing market.

The Bid to Win Estimating System will walk you through the entire process and show you how to bid paint jobs more accurately and profitably, starting with the next estimate you submit.

The Bid to Win Estimating System enjoys a 97% customer satisfaction rate, and comes with a risk free 30 day money back guarantee which means you can feel confident giving it a try.

If you have already invested in the Bid to Win Estimating System, please leave us a comment and tell us about your experience.


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