Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Keep Gaining Knowledge...

The one MAJOR lesson I took from 2007 was to always keep learning, listening and growing… No kidding all the really successful business owners I spoke to made it a point to keep gaining the knowledge they needed to stay ahead of the crowd.

…and there is no more critical time to gather the needed information than when you are just getting started!

I have just finished updating and expanding Painting for Profits and my goal was to create the absolute best source of information available anywhere on the process of starting and growing a profitable painting business.

I will do everything I can to help you reach your painting business goals this year.

That process starts with creating dialog… This blog will educate, challenge and keep you informed about the “Business Side” of the Painting Business.

If at any time you have a specific question please feel free to email me and I will do my very best to help. I don’t claim to have all the answers but I do have access to some of the most respected people in our industry and I am confident that I can point you in the right direction.

Remember - the first step in accomplishing your goals starts with gaining the knowledge you need about what it takes to achieve the success you desire.

Like I said, I have just finished Updating and Expanding Painting for Profits for 2008 and I’ve got to tell you, it is bigger and better in every way! My plan is to release the updated version on January 28 and everyone who purchases the e-Book download between now and then will receive a FREE upgrade to the 2008 version when it is released.

Oh, I forgot to mention I will be raising the price for the updated 2008 edition to $167 but it you purchase your copy before January 28 you can get yours for the original price of just $97

This is not a sales pitch just a heads up!


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