Monday, October 19, 2009

(NEW) Painting DVD Teaches This Old Dog New Tricks!

Start-up painting business owners who want to develop better house painting skills and a more fluid understanding of the process for achieving a professional quality paint job, will benefit greatly from Dan Brady's new DVD - "Learn How To Paint A Room Like A Pro".

A few weeks ago I saw a press release come across my desk about a new DVD that outlined the skills & insider tricks of the trade, for painting a room like a professional...

Anyone who knows me, knows that I get really fired up when I see painting contractors use the "Power of the PRESS" to promote their business... so I did what I always do, I sent Dan an email congratulating him.

I had the privilege of speaking on the phone to Dan - Owner of Dan Brady Painting and Wood Restoration, in Travers City, Michigan.

I told him that from time to time, I have new start up painting business owners contact me asking for tips and tricks to improve their painting skills, and that some the people on my newsletter list may be interested in his new DVD.

However before I could promote it, I had to make sure it passed muster and a few days later my copy showed up in the mail.

First impression, I was very impressed! Not just with the depth of information but how professionally it was presented and recorded...

This is Dan's first installment to his "Tricks of The Trade Painting Videos" series and if his follow up DVD's are anything like the first, this information rich library is sure to become a genuine asset to the painting industry.

In fact, I was one of those people who liked to say "there isn't much anyone could teach me about the skills or process of painting..." (because I've been painting all of my adult life) but I'm not ashamed to say I learned a few valuable insights that will save me a lot of time and improve my production process, greatly.

...Which in the end helps to improve my clients overall experience, and that's what it's all about!

Although the DVD is geared toward teaching the "DIYer", it will also help the small business owner who specializes in targeting interior residential repaints by helping them:

  • Streamline the process and reduce the time it takes to paint a room
  • Improve the overall quality of the finished product
  • Improve their overall client experience
Less time to produce the job + a better looking finished product = lots of happy, satisfied customers and more money in your bank account!

The way I see it, if this DVD helps you reduce your production time by just 30 minutes per job (because it helped you streamline your production process) it is worth a thousand times the $24.95 asking price.

We are happy to give Dan Brady and the "Learn How To Paint A Room Like A Pro" DVD our highest recommendation.

To learn more about Dan Brady and see a sample of the DVD head over to:


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