Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Want more customers? Fill your car with balloons.

So yesterday while driving home from nearby Enumclaw, Washington, I was winding my way along familiar back roads and slowed when I caught up to a white sedan driving just under the speed limit. While normally this might irritate me and my lead foot just a tad, yesterday, it didn’t. The car had only one occupant, a guy, but was also filled with red and green helium-filled balloons.

It was kind of obvious that he was looking for an address, because he kept slowing up at the crossroads. After about a mile, he turned off on a side street and I found myself wanting to follow him.

I wanted to know where he was going with all of those balloons. I’m guessing he was headed to a holiday party, and I am positive that any party that was going to play host to that many red and green bouncy balloons, straining to be released from their earthly tether, was going to be a good one.

Those red and green balloons promised me a good time.

When it comes to your business, is there anything about you or your team members that makes people want to follow you in to your business?  Attend your events?   Book appointments?   Is there anything about your website, Facebook page or email newsletter that promises a good time?

How can you become the man with a car full of balloons?


Elizabeth Kraus is the author of 365 Days of Marketing.

To build a business which provides the maximum when it comes to customer and employee engagement as well as profitability, change the way that you  understand and use marketing.  365 Days of Marketing is available on amazon.com or save $5 off the list price when you use the Code USH9VPJG and purchase on my site at 12monthsofmarketing.net.


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