Monday, October 29, 2007

Rarefication Is The New Decommodification.

Decommodification is an awkward word to say and simply not assertive enough to describe the underlying differentiation problem.

To avoid being a commodity in a fast-moving world of shared technologies and replicable ideas, you need to be actively different, noticeably remarkable and consequently scarce and of value. After all, you're seeking to charge a significant and sustainable premium.

It's not enough just to try to not be a commodity. That way lies mid-level mediocrity and trivial distinctions supported by white-washing advertising.

You don't need to decommodify - you need to rarefy.

- to make more complex, intricate, or richer.
- to refine a design or pattern.

Yes it has elitist overtones, but isn't that what true differentiation is all about? And it's certainly easier to say.


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